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Out of the Pandemic Support for Staff and Students

Online Event
Past Event

Come join us for a gathering of local experts, trail blazers and seasoned professionals from around our area who will participate in sharing information and a discussion panel where your questions are the focus! Door prizes!!


  • $10 Nonmembers
  • $5 Members
  • $25 for a group of 10+



Topic 1: Three Guiding Truth's

Our Own Parenting Transformation and Journey toward a New Way of Being in Relationship with Children with Attachment & Trauma-Related Needs

presented by Tif Sudela-Junker shares moments of strength and struggle through her own growth process with her brilliant and hilarious children who came to her through adoption. This story-based presentation offers hard earned, implementable and practical knowledge, insight, strategies, and structure for working with our most vulnerable and challenging youth, along with self-compassion and grace for caregivers, educators surrounding children with high trauma needs with the support they need.


Topic 2: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

presented by Dr. Kelly Goodsell Join us for a deep dive into Universal Design for Learning (UDL). We will review the mindset necessary to meet the needs of ALL learners and discuss inclusive strategies that drive student engagement and rigor. We will learn together, reflect on current practice, and walk away with tips and techniques for our everyday toolbox. Get ready...Let’s GO!


Topic 3:  Promoting 'Felt Safety' using a Trauma-Integrated Approach

presented by Sally Carman We have all experienced significant challenges during the past three years, and the effects persist. Explore the expanded definition of Adverse Effects that apply to all ages and recognize how our ‘Predictive Brain’ may limit our ability to feel safe. Which behavioral signs, some less expected, are typical of toxic stress and anxiety? Discover Resilience Building Blocks (, and learn specific approaches towards regulation of emotion and energy, in order to promote and model improved coping, despite our challenging times.

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